5 Must Visit National Parks in Europe
Where to go next: Consider these national parks in Europe as a great escape, with open spaces for peaceful vistas or challenging hiking trails for exercise and adventure.
green living, smart spending
Where to go next: Consider these national parks in Europe as a great escape, with open spaces for peaceful vistas or challenging hiking trails for exercise and adventure.
The National Park Service is banning single-use plastics such as water bottles and straws, cutlery and food containers, over the next decade. The ban applies to 480 million acres of national parks, wildlife refuges and other public lands administered by the US Dept. of the Interior, which includes NPS.
Once again, the National Park Service is offering FREE admission days in 2020 to more than 400 national parks, historic sites, monuments and landmarks it operates. On each of these significant days of celebration or commemoration, all national parks will waive entrance fees, although fees for parking and special programming remain intact. The free admission
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Bad news for lovers of the amazing parks, historic sites and landmarks operated by the National Park Service. FREE admission days have been slashed from 16 in past years to just five in 2019 – and the first one is cancelled because of the partial US Governnment shutdown. Some NPS sites are being kept open
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Bad news for lovers of the National Park System. FREE admission days have been slashed from 16 in past years to just four in 2018, and none span an entire weekend. Worse, admission fees may double or more, to $70 per vehicle and $15 per person, for the most popular national parks, including Yellowstone, Yosemite,
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Once again this year, national chain restaurants and other businesses are thanking our veterans and active military members on Veterans Day with FREE or discounted food or services on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017. Some deals are available for veterans only, while others are valid for both vetarans and active military personnel, and some deals are valid the day
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BMW is charging up US national parks, landmarks and historic sites with up to 100 electric vehicle stations. Appropriately, the first is at Thomas Edison National Historic Park, the laboratory and home of of the man most associated with electricity. BMW has partnered with the National Park Foundation, National Park Service and Department of Energy
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Our National Parks are a national treasure. Celebrate them all during National Parks Week, April 15 to 23, with FREE admission on the two weekends and enjoy some of more than 84 million acres of scenery and 27,000 historic structures, from the Statue of Liberty to Yellowstone. Public lands are facing a tough four years,
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It will take a while for Rhinebeck, New York, to return to normal, now that it’s been in the world spotlight for the wedding of Chelsea Clinton to Mark Mezvinsky. But Rhinebeck has been around since the 1600s, and it will survive, and will return to being a charming, tranquil place that welcomes visitors. Rhinebeck’s
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National Trails Day is sponsored by the American Hiking Society, with support from manufacturers of outdoor clothing and gear including Columbia, REI and Merrell, plus from U.S. govenment agencies including the National Park Service and the Forest Service. The goal is to get us outdoors to learn about and celebrate outdoor trails via educational exhibits, trail
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