The stats are in, and here are the most popular ecoXplorer posts of 2020
You are a smart group of followers who want to avoid being ripped-off, since several top posts are our “scam alert” advisories.
And you are an eclectic bunch, since other top posts ranged from endangered animals to travel safety and a kitschy stretch limousine.
Drum roll please.
Here are the top posts on ecoXplorer for the year, as chosen by you, to read if you missed them, or reread.

Reasons to Avoid Jimmy John’s
The trophy hunting of endangered animals was in the headlines numerous times in 2020, including trophy hunting escapades by President Trump’s two eldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric.
I don’t approve of killing endangered animals for sport, and neither do you.
As I wrote, the photos of Jimmy John’s founder with a dead elephant and a dead leopard have nothing to do with the quality of the food his franchises serve, but they do say a great deal about the quality of the man.
This post also was #1 on ecoXplorer in 2019 and 2018

Scam Alert: Mideast Peace Charities
The Mideast was front page news this year, because of a major White House peace plan and the assassination of several top anti-USA leaders, so it is logical that an article on Mideast charity scams would rank high in the world of SEO and Google search.
Once again in 2020, this most-viewed post also generated more comments than any other post of the year, so thanks to followers for the lively discussion.
I always recommend that you thoroughly investigate the rating a charity or non-profit group before donating your hard-earned money, and that you should avoid donating your money to groups which mis-use or misrepresent your donations.

Lamborghini Stretch Limousine
The popularity of this post surprised me, since it dates from 2013, but it tells us Lambos are always interesting to read about and dream about, and this is one of the few you can actually rent.
Car subscription services are alternative to buying or renting

Scam Alert: Kars4Kids
The endless radio and TV commercials with the endless jingle drives us all nuts.
And you are nuts if you donate your car to a charity that’s been accused and sued multiple times for misleading advertising and misuse of donated money.
This Scam Alert moved up from #7 in 2019 to #4 in 2020. Not sure why, but pleased that you ecoXplorer followers continue to believe this is an important subject.
Once again, before you donate your money, car, or even your boat or real estate to any charity on the planet, check them out with one of the charity rating services first to find out whether they get a passing grade.
This one doesn’t.

Best 2020 Green Cars and SUVs
Every year, the Green Car Journal names the top green cars and green SUVs of the year.
These are the ten finalists for the best 2020 Green Car of the Year and best 2020 Green SUV of the year, from Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda, Toyota and Subaru, with fuel efficiency ratings up to 52MPG.
This year’s list is exclusively hybrids and plug-in hybrids, including one with a solar panel roof for additional efficiency.
How to Avoid Flying a Boeing 737 Max 8
Two deadly crashes in 2019 prompted airlines around the world to ground the plane.
In 2020, news about the Boeing 737 Max 8 was that the computer systems this apparently caused the crashes were being fixed and that the plane would fly again. It did – late in 2020.
This article also includes a list or airline websites and other apps to inform you about everything from where you seat is to tips about travel insurance.

Foreign Cars Made in America
Trump Administration tariffs on steel and proposed tariffs on imported cars overlook an important part of the automotive industry.
Which is the all the foreign automakers who have invested hundreds of billions of dollars to produce millions of vehicles here in the USA, and employ hundreds of thousands of American workers to build them.
VW Factory in Tennessee is world’s first LEED certified eco-factory

Scam Alert: Pandemic Survival Frauds
Every emergency, from a hurricane or eathquake to a pandemic, brings out the good in some of us along with scammers and fraudsters ready to take advantage of us.
Scammers worked overtime in 2020 offering survival tools, including unique facemasks, vitamins and other absolute crap, including “secret” medigap insurance, and phishing and malware schemes for diverting your checks from the government.

Scam Alert: Timeshare Exit Companies
Timeshares are big business. With many of us crunched for cash in these troubled times and unable to travel because of Pandemic restrictions, selling your timeshare seems like a good way to help your budget. Not so fast, and not so easy.
Timeshare exit scams also are big business, unfortunately filled with deceptive practices, including upfront fees of as much as $10,000 in exchange for a promise – not a guarantee – to get you out of your contract.
This article is everything you need to know to exit your timeshare successfully and avoid the scammers.

National Parks Free Admission Days
Every year, the National Parks System offers a half-dozen free admission days.
This article includes the 2020 calendar, plus information about historic monuments, wildlife refuges and more included in the free admission days.
And Happy New Year!
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