New Year’s Resolutions for Safe Driving
If you are making New Year’s resolutions for 2025, add these common sense ones that will help keep you and your passengers safe and prevent accidents.
green living, smart spending
If you are making New Year’s resolutions for 2025, add these common sense ones that will help keep you and your passengers safe and prevent accidents.
The peak holiday driving season is getting underway, which often means clogged roads and traffic jams. Road rage is a driving danger, along with drunk driving and distracted driving such as texting while driving. These tips will help you avoid aggressive drivers, or become one yourself.
Cold weather can damage your vehicle, your driving experience, your comfort, even your safety and those of your passengers. Driving hazards caused by freezing rain, snow, ice, slush, and frigid temperatures can create dangerous driving situations, leading to breakdowns and expensive repairs even without a life-threatening accident. These easy maintenance tips will winterize your car outside and inside.
The holiday driving season now underway means clogged roads and traffic jams, when road rage becomes a driving danger, along with drunk driving and such distracted driving as texting while driving. All of us have gotten frustrated behind the wheel at some point in our lives, and maybe even acted out by doing something stupid,
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The peak summer driving season getting underway is a good time to be reminded about the danger and cost of speeding. Speeding costs lives and billions in medical costs and property damage: Some 13,500 Americans die each year in speeding related accidents, about the same number who die in alcohol-related accidents. Also according to the
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